PharmaForce 2015 (past event)

August 25 - 27, 2015

Sheraton Pentagon City, Arlington, VA

Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012

Jay Sabbah, HIV Commerical Launch Lead, Middle East North Africa at ViiV Healthcare

Jay Sabbah

HIV Commerical Launch Lead, Middle East North Africa
ViiV Healthcare

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Jay.

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Stakeholder Engagement Strategies In The New Healthcare Era

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

09:10 PANEL: Launch Readiness And Planning Best Practices

There are 400 drug launches predicted over the next 3 years globally. Brand managers need to gear up their marketing strategy and data of potential prescribers and patients, and need to ensure their sales teams are trained effectively in the new drug’s science to communicate it to payers and physicians. This also requires a shifting of resources in the sales team to ensure proper coverage (should the drug be part of a portfolio, or should reps focus solely on the new drug?) Learn from some of big pharma's best launch leaders:
  • Planning appropriate launch timelines
  • Building a comprehensive launch training plan
  • Determining what kind of commercial efforts will yield the best results